Hi. I'm Go1den. Here's some cool stuff for you to enjoy.
Programs for Streamers
Twitch Chat Scene Switcher - Allows you to control your Twitch OBS broadcast by typing commands in the chat
TheySayThat - Randomizer Hint Display compatible with several games
StreamOpener - Filter streams in a better way than Twitch allows, then open them in the multi-viewer of your choice.
StreamTicker - Inspired by ESPN's BottomLine, a highly customizable display bar for streamers
Programs for Specific Games
Splatoon 3 Bingo - Bingo card generator for Splatoon 3 weapons, which can be used in a variety of ways
Golf Together - A program that allows for creating lobbies to turn what otherwise would be offline, single player golf video games into multiplayer experiences
IronScrolls - Character and location randomizer for Iateyourpie's Skyrim challenge of the same name
Pokémon TCG Card Tracker - Helps track important cards obtained in a TCG speedrun
Pokémon TCG Trainer Tracker - Helps track defeated trainers in a TCG speedrun
Other Programs I've Written
Volleyball Scoreboard
For Android Browser Version
Your Turn - Customizable board game turn clock to keep games moving along
Image Randomizer - Randomly displays images in a given folder
Miranda's Solitaire - Solitaire game that only my sister knows how to play
Past Speedrunning Events I Organized
Speedruns from A to Z (2013)
JRTA 1 (2014)
JRTA 2 (2015)
JRTA 3 (2016)
RainDropDry Fundraiser Marathon (2016)
JRTA 4 (2017)
12 Hour Challenge (2015 - 2022)