Generate a new card

Please note that if you got linked to this page as your goal, you are not allowed to use a different card.

New Balanced Card New Chaos Card


Hide Weapon Names Show Weapon Names

Random Weapon Assignment

Different weapon order per player playing this exact card

Same weapon order for every player playing this exact card

Same weapon order for every player playing any card if this number is the same. Enter a number between 1 and 999999.

Random Weapon Settings

Weapon Pool

Allow Repeats?

Last Weapon Next Weapon

About Splatoon 3 Weapons Bingo

This is a specialty bingo board for Splatoon 3 solo queue races. Each square on the board represents a weapon from Splatoon 3.

How To Play

1. Choose which multiplayer game mode you will play: Turf War, Anarachy Open, Anarchy Series, etc. If you are racing against others, everyone should be playing the same mode.

2. Choose the ruleset for marking squares on the bingo board. Here are three recommended ways to play:

Team Comp Bingo (Easy, Luck/Skill Mix) Whenever your team wins a game of Splatoon 3 in the chosen game mode, mark off all weapons that were present on the winning team, including your own. Once a square is marked green, you CANNOT use that weapon again.

Normal Bingo (Medium, Skill Based) Select your weapon each game. Mark off the square containing your current weapon when you win a game.

Randomizer Bingo (Hard, Luck Based) Use the randomizer to select your weapon. You must play that weapon until you win a game. When you do, if it is on your card, mark it off and roll again.

Solo Lockout Challenge In this solo variant, mark squares green when you win with the weapon and red when you lose with that weapon. Can you get a bingo without getting locked out?

To win, you must have 5 of the weapons marked in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

The seed number is used to generate the board. Changing the seed will make a new board.

You can click on the squares to turn them green and red. This may help you organize your route planning.